
The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ever question what may have been meant by the statement, "You are Peter and on this rock"? Are you puzzled by the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus or by his comments about moving mountains? William Barclay discusses these and many other interesting matters in this second volume of the Gospel of Matthew. Readers will profit by the depth of scholarship, the honesty of appraisal, and the grace of...

of God, the heart of God, the nature of God, if you want to see God’s whole attitude to men and women—look at me!’ It is the Christian conviction that in Jesus Christ alone we see what God is like; and it is also the Christian conviction that Jesus can give that knowledge to anyone who is humble enough and trustful enough to receive it. ‘Come to me, all you who are exhausted and weighted down beneath your burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
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